• Benefits of Lions Clubs in the Community

    Every community across Massachusetts has organizations in town which provide benefits. Some of these benefits are seen, while others remain largely unnoticed. Lions Clubs may be one of the best kept secrets of all of these organizations.

  • Lions Make Preserving Eyesight a Mission

    Lions Clubs International was founded in 1917 by then businessman Melvin Jones. However, it was not until June 30, 1925 at an annual convention held in Cedar Point, Ohio, that Lions identified their primary mission. Helen Keller, who had been blind and deaf since she was 18 months old, addressed Lions and implored them to…

  • What Happens When You Donate to a Lions Club?

    We all are concerned about how the money we donate is used by the organizations to which we donate. This is a real concern: Whether you have $10 to donate, or $10,000 to donate, you want to make sure the money you are donating has an impact on others. This is why everyone should consider…